The Paintings of Helena Amaral are spread by the web
2010 | 2011 |
2012 |
Portugal | 24/03/2010 Critic very favorable of Prof.ª Ponce Leão in the Porto Newspaper A Arte entre as Letras .
10/06/2010 Jornal de Notícias Porto, article about Helena Amaral
Museu de Espinho, Portugal, 14 /05- 03/07/2011 Salon from the Porto Art Newspaper "A Arte entre as Letras"
Helena Amaral is reported in the magazine |
www |
29/06/2010 Helena Amaral gets on the virtual Gallery Galeria de Arte DaVinci .
October 2010 Helena Amaral receives lot of public and positive critits in Artelista reaching the 10.000 visitors in November
Are created some important favorable blogs in the web
Helena Amaral has links in some sites:
Little Red Flowers The Arts in Toledo Battles In Trans-Mississippi Theater Of American Civil War |
Spain |
Premio d' honor "ShowArt Internacional d´Estiu a Catalunya" , Barcelona - España 13 al 24 Julio 2010, Tastet d'Art. |
Helena Amaral is star in Salón de Inverno 2011 , Barcelona , Espanha 18 al 30 de Enero de 2011, Galeria Esart C/Diputació, 188 (Muntaner) - Barcelona - España
January , February Helena is reported in the Barcelona Magazine Gal Art May, Helena takes part in a collective in El Ferrol
France | Art Shopping Louvre Paris, Salon Carrousel from 21 till 23 October 2011
Art Shopping Louvre Paris, Salon Carrousel from 21 till 23 October 2011 (images)
Participation in the collective exhibition Giverny 12 - 17 May, 2012
Art Shopping Louvre Paris, Salon Carrousel from 19 - 21 October 2012 |
Italy |
16/06/2010 Helena Amaral is on the Italian Magazine AVANGUARDE ARTISTCHE 2010 Helena wins the 1st Prize in the Gallery Centro Storico
10/11/2010 - Helena Amaral ganhou o 1º Prémio no secondo Salone dell'Arte e del Restauro di Firenze de 11/11/2010 a 12/11/2010
22/02/2011 Helena is on the Italian Art Magazine
Palermo: A special recommendation in the
Helena Amaral takes part in a great exhibition in Sauze April-May.
Gallery Espaço Aberto 107, in Ivrea for exhibition “the colors of life ” from 5 till 10 July Torino (Italia), 28 /06 - 12 /07/2011 "Artisti al Castello" Progetto espositivo internazionale d'arte Moderna e Contemporanea
Vinovo (TO), durante os "150 E oltre (and beyond) ", devoted to the 150th birthday of Italia unification
Participation in the October number of the Magazine EXPOART
Helena receives a very farourable critic of Galleria d' Arte Centro Storico Firenze
ARTEPADOVA22a Mostra Mercato d'Arte Moderna e Contemporanea
Participation in the number November/December of the Magazine EXPOART |
Orvieto 26 -29 july 2012 Orvieto 26 -29 july 2012
"Luci e Colori" Hotel Domus Florentiae , Firenze, 23/12/2012 - 10/01/2013 |
Switzerland | |||
U.K. | Fantastic participation in Manchester , UK 16/07/2011 |
The Netherlands |
U.S.A. |
China | |||
U.S.A. |
2012 |